- Safety Training
- Thermal System Maintenance and Operation
- System Inspection, Training & Certification
Training programs can be customized to meet the specific needs of the client company. Typically, this service will consist of a two-day site visit by a qualified Technical Services representative.
Day 1 is devoted to inspection of the thermal fluid system and observation of the maintenance/operations personnel. An evaluation of the current state of safety and operating practices will be determined from this inspection.
Day 2 will consist of the training session; general topics include safety, operations and proper maintenance of thermal fluids and systems. The trainer will be an NASP certified Safety Training Specialist, with the authority to issue NASP certificates and pocket cards to all attendees.
A follow-up interview is conducted with a department head to discuss effectiveness of the thermal fluid system training and to make any recommendations based on the inspection. A summary report detailing all findings, training topics, recommendations and certificates earned will be supplied to the client. References can be provided to Insurance providers upon request of the client.
1/2 day and 1-day safety training and System Operation sessions are also available.
For a needs interview and quotation, call Ryan Ritz at 610.941.4900 or email rritz@paratherm.com